Sunday, March 15, 2009

Three leaves of a shamrock

Apparently blogging is NOT one of the three biggest things in my life, or I might have posted in the BUFBLOPOFO order. Sort of like reading the last page first, I guess.

After trying to succinctly put down a three item list, such as God, Family, Country or Me, Myself & I, or sex, drugs & rock n' roll, it became apparent that there are no individual things that I can separate into a list. Instead, I will tell you about my excellent day. We got up early to go to eight o'clock Mass. Neil met us there, somewhat unexpectedly. Today is his birthday. We came home and put some corned beefs on to slow braise, and made ratatouille. We opened a Veuve after Julia got back from the village, then I went outside. Shirt, no jacket, spectacular. We got a respectable Mr. Burns going, topped off the dumpster and rode around on the little tractor. Started the tomato seeds, heirlooms which taste great and look so cool. Had a Guinness with Smokey and bragged on the accomplishments of our children, boiled some fresh beets and greens, cabbage and potatoes (almost had a Dan Quayle moment there, but for spell check), carrots. Had another taste of champagne with Julia while we finished dinner. Enjoyed an great St. Patrick's dinner with Julia, GG, Neil, Matt & Theresa, Emma & GG. Smokey stayed for dinner, Sandy is in North Carolina. Julia made a very fine carrot cake for Neil's birthday, and we opened a couple of really nice cabernets with dinner. Just great. Sort of helped with the dishes, and now am writing to you.

I thought about and talked about all of the kids & grandchildren today, a lot. I especially want to mention Cecilia, riding to Kentucky on a school bus to do a week of mission work. You all make me proud and happy. I hope that:
1. you all had an excellent St. Patrick's day
2. you all have a safe, productive and satisfying week
3. you could cull out three big things from the above

1 comment:

lisa said...

I love this blog, Dad :)