Saturday, July 12, 2008

Archeologists of the future will find my tools

Last evening, we had a terrific fish dinner, with Mimi, GG, Mary, Neil, Julia and moi. I stopped at the Clarence Hayes, which was packed, reminded me of Yogi Berra: "no wonder no one comes here, it is so crowded". They had wild Alaska sockeye, and so did we. Along with some endangered Sea Bass & cocktail shrimp, it was quite tasty. Julia & I had planned to have a little champagne together upstairs, later in the evening, but we drank it all straightening the kitchen then fell asleep when we did go to bed. We are so romantic sometimes. The champagne was Krug Rose, which is why we were our usual moderate selves.

The farmers market was bustling this morning. We picked up some swell veggies for Sunday, Louis' birthday. A quick stop for coffee at the Starbucks, where we saw several people we enjoyed seeing, and one we kept the sunglasses on. We had some fresh shelled peas with little grilled chickens this evening, with a nice young cabernet. So good. Tomorrow is to be crawfish etoufee with peas, beets, and a farmers lettuce salad. Maybe a cold beer, too.

The womenfolk went to do some serious shopping. I did some equally serious maintainance of the colony. It seems like I spent more time trying to make stuff work than actually mowing, for instance. Louis was able to get the new weed whacker started, but I think the walk behind mower is dead & gone. This is a long standing curse of the Ponderosa, along with disappearing tools. However,I did not burn anything down, lose any fingers or kill any pets or neighbors. I did get to drive the truck to the hardware store, though,pretty Tim Taylor-like.

Tomorrow will be another great day. The little ones will be here, we'll celebrate Louis' birthday, and wish Mimi bon voyage. She is going home on Monday. Easier for us than usual, because some of us will see her in Gulf Shores next week.

I hope you are all enjoying the weekend. Even more I hope we see each other tomorrow.

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