Tuesday, July 8, 2008

keep on the sunny side

It was another pretty busy day at the office, but I met some interesting people. An older lady came in for a consult, and I did not feel like I had her confidence. She had a cane that she kept pretty handy, just in case. Eventually, she made a remark about Ole Miss, which I thought might be a prelude to a cane whack. It turns out, however, that she was from Alabama and education at Mississippi was a very favorable attribute. By the time our conversation got to Gulf Shores, we were fast friends.

Miles spent the day in EA, and I got home in time to drive Nana and the young man home. We pulled up to their home just as Esther & Julia drove in. Julia was so excited to see Miles. Very cool. By the time John got home they were both quivering.

Not very cool at home, however, as the AC in the kitchen is still not working. We grilled some dogs and I had a beer, a good way to capitalize on the situation.

The Bisons are home for a few games this week. I hope we can see a game or two, even though they are playing rather substandard baseball these recent days. Oh well, as a Buffalo sports fan, I know how to capitalize on certain situations. We are thinking Thursday or Friday. There are plenty o' tix for anyone interested.

Nana Julia is tending to Rae's infected ear, outside, thankfully. Poor old Rae is way past her puppy days but she still obeys commands as well as ever.

Maureen's daughter had a little girl, by section, and all is well with them.

I hope it is all good with you all. Can't wait to see you.

1 comment:

Esther said...

Perfect. Can't wait to read more!